Cyber Security Guide

While even the best cybersecurity can’t defend against every type or instance of attack, it can help to minimize the risks and impact of such attacks. Keeping your data secure is done with a layered approach. Each layer just adds some resistance to an attacker. Each layer can be circumvented by some attacks and our goal is to make enough obstacle to the attacker the it goes somewhere else or gives up. None of the measures listed here are effective 100% of the time but all are some of the times. Each one reduces the probability and/or the effect of a cyberattack.

As the airport director said, a plane crash is going to happen. We work on reducing the probability and effect and process once it happens, but it will happen.

This guide will cover the CIA triad which refers to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. Its focus will be on preventing cyberattacks but will mention some other threats that effect your data. I will start with a list if security measures in my order of importance. After getting this list started, I will begin writing articles to describe them in detail including What, why, and how to do them.
General Overview.

Things you should do.

  1. Backup, Backup, Backup. The first step to protect the integrity of your data is to make sure it can be recovered in case of a loss.
  2. Use a strong password.
  3. Make sure your system is protected by a firewall.
  4. Use antivirus software.
  5. Invest in Threat Detection and Prevention.
  6. Single Sign-On (SSO).
  7. Leave computers turned on and locked or logged off when not in use.
  8. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
  9. Virtual Private Network (VPN).
  10. Configuration Audit.
  11. File Encryption.
  12. Update update update. Download patches and updates regularly.
  13. Know what is on your network.
  14. Call an expert if you are in doubt.
  15. Mix up your passwords.
  16. Monitor your bank accounts and credit frequently.
  17. Be intentional online.
  18. Back up your data regularly.
  19. User Training.
  20. Check your PC for spyware and adware.
  21. Change the name of the administrative account.
  22. Disable ‘hidden’ shares within Windows.
  23. Secure your shared files.